Thursday May 25, 2023

The Secret Room: Tales of Horror at the LaLaurie Mansion

Good Evening, Cabin Crew!

Welcome to The Conversation Cabin Podcast & I'm your daring host, Farrah. Tonights episode I'm bringing you the chilling story of Madame LaLaurie and her horrifying crimes. From the torture of innocent slaves to the discovery of their remains in her mansion, the tale of Madame LaLaurie is one of the most gruesome and disturbing in American history.

First, I will take you on a journey as a tourist, who will be visiting the LaLaurie Mansion to create the scene for you. Then, I will be blending into the full story to add in all the details. Tune in to learn more about this infamous figure & the legacy she left behind.


Tune in Tuesday, May 30, 7 p.m. CT/8 p.m. ET for the second episode of the Paranormal Project series, The Virginia City Chronicles! Amanda, from Won Nothing Podcast will be covering her subject, The Gold Hill Hotel! 

Please remember to follow the show so you can stay updated with new episodes, LIVE shows & bonus content! 

Also, I just started my Patron so visit 

There you will find a letter from me, all information on the Patron program and more! I'd love the support! For as little as $3 a month, you will help my podcast grow! I want to get video equipment to branch the show out on YouTube as well as better editing software & merchandise! Thank you SO much Cabin Crew!


Remember to follow & share my show to your friends and family! 

If you havent yet, add me on Instagram & Tik Tok @theconversationcabin 

I'm now on TWITTER @XploreURstrange 


Thank you Cabin Crew for being with me on this wild ride! Please rate and/or review an episode that you like or the show in general so we can bring more like minded paranormal enthusiasts into the Crew!

Until Next Time Cabin Crew,

Explore YOUR Strange


Sources cited: Wikipedia, Britannica, The LaLaurie Mansion, Ghosts, Legends and the Truth by Stephen F/ Gordon, allthatsinteresting, Crime Museum, Legends of America, History

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